Stepping Up to Serve

The people of Green Grove have stepped up to the opportunity of serving the Lord.

The Body of Christ includes many individuals, each of whom is gifted by God to glorify God and build His Kingdom.  At Green Grove, people routinely step up to teach, preach, lead, disciple, pray, encourage, and help others.  Sometimes, these service opportunities reach beyond the local church . . . into the community, across the nation, and across the world.  Some examples are highlighted below (see also the Ministries page).   

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.  We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us (Romans 12:4-6).     

Several times per year - Green Grove partners with the Penns Valley Youth Center to prepare and serve dinner to teens and Youth Center staff.

November 2016 - Several individuals from Green Grove Church traveled to southeastern Pennsylvania to put a new roof on the home of Hank and Michelle Dannecker, who serve with a ministry called 1NewHeart
June 2015 - Seven people from Green Grove traveled to the Navajo Brethren in Christ Mission (northwestern New Mexico) on a short-term mission trip to teach and serve the Navajo people. Children, teens, and adults from the Navajo nation came to the Mission for Bible study, crafts, and fellowship.


Over the years, Green Grove Church has sponsored and participated in short-term mission trips to various parts of the United States and the world, including China, Russia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Romania, and Vietnam.